Protec Training & Consultancy Ltd

Forestry Arb Agriculture and Horticultural Training Specialists


Trailer Towing

Since the relaxation of B+E testing in 2021, more are more people are now taking to the roads with a trailer without having had any training or experience.  Worse still they have received training from friends, local ‘experts’ (who are no more qualified than they are) or the assembled wisdom of google and facebook!  Why take a risk?  Training is still available from a number of organisations and training centres like ours which have highly qualified and experienced professional trainers.

There is a lot more to trailers than just hitching up and driving off - and lots of people don’t seem to be able to do that correctly either!

Suffice to say that road policing units and VOSA are now taking particular interest in trailers - and they are proving an easy target.

Do you REALLY know:


    If you need a tachograph?

    How to check your trailer for safety?

    Your speed and load limits?

    How to secure a load?

    How to couple and uncouple safely and correctly?

    Reverse in a confined space?

    Drive safely and competently with a loaded trailer?

We offer one and two day trailer training packages that take you to what previously would have been the test standard - except now there is no need to sit the test,   It could save you a lot of money, your licence  - or even save a life!